About Us

An ro-ràdh goirid againn

Tha Heli agus an shenchonghao nan companaidh bràthair, tha sinn gu ìre mhòr a’ toirt dhut siostam camara dachaigh smart onestop. tha an t-seirbheis aon-stad againn airson 20 bliadhna, tha siostam camara grèine cumhachd ìosal againn cuideachd, obair-sgioba reic, siostam QA agus QC, loidhne toraidh.


We have 20 years of manufacturing experience, product quality is strictly controlled, affordable, complete logistics transportation, so that you can buy their own appropriate products.

Sàr-mhathas toraidh

Tha 20 bliadhna de eòlas saothrachaidh againn, tha càileachd toraidh fo smachd teann, aig prìs ruigsinneach, còmhdhail loidsistigs iomlan, gus an urrainn dhut na toraidhean iomchaidh aca fhèin a cheannach.

We have a professional design team to provide you with customized solutions. There are related personnel and you at any time to communicate, fully understand your needs, to provide you with satisfactory products.

Buannachd sgioba

Tha sgioba dealbhaidh proifeasanta againn gus fuasglaidhean gnàthaichte a thoirt dhut.Tha luchd-obrach co-cheangailte ann agus bidh thu aig àm sam bith airson conaltradh, làn thuigsinn na feumalachdan agad, gus toraidhean riarachail a thoirt dhut.

We have a complete service system, perfect pre-sale and after-sales service to let you have a perfect experience.

Buannachd seirbheis

Tha siostam seirbheis iomlan againn, seirbheis ro-reic foirfe agus às deidh reic gus eòlas foirfe a thoirt dhut.